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M3K Beauty “Official Skin Care of the CMA Awards 2012″

13 Apr 2013
1 Comment
M3K Beauty “Official Skin Care of the CMA Awards 2012″

M3K Beauty is proud to be named the “Official Skin Care of the 46th CMA Awards 2012″. The CMA Awards “Country Music’s Biggest Night” was hosted by Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood and held at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville Tennessee. Some of the lucky nominees to receive a M3K Gift Pack were: Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, Taylor Swift,Kelly Clarkson, Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Keith Urban, Lee Brice, Brantley Gilbert, Hunter Hayes, Love and Theft, Thompson Square and a whole heap of other exciting performers. We hope that under those sexy cowboy hats, we ended up with a few Dirty.

M3K Beauty Launch at Battle of the Strands in Las Vegas 2012

13 Apr 2013
1 Comment
M3K Beauty Launch at Battle of the Strands in Las Vegas 2012

October 2012 – It has been an exciting six months since we launched M3K Beauty at the fabulous Battle of the Strands in Las Vegas last year. We established some great friendships and working relationships at the venue and as a major sponsor were invited to some absolutely fabulous parties. We fell in love with the guys from Schwarzkopf, were starstuck at the beauty of Rock star and new friend Anand Bhatt, became addicted to Bhumi Brushes, were introduced to our fabulous PR agent Lindsey Carnett from Marketing Maven in California and partied with our new friends from Televisa – Miguel, Rommel and Saul. We were devastated when we heard.

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